
Delivery Information

How much is shipping?
The shipping price is auto-calculated based on your shipping address and weight.
Combine shipping is allow for normal item, for offer item and auction item are not able to combine shipping as this is selling under cost promotion offer.

Do you ship to my area?
We are currently shipping to Malaysia nationwide (West East Peninsular Malaysia).

When will my order arrive?
Under normal circumstances, you get to receive your order within 5 business days from the day you place your order and make payment.
For offline bank transfer, please allow additional 3 business days especially if it's a cheque payment.

Can I track the shipping?
Yes, the tracking number and courier engaged will be included in the shipping confirmation email. You can check the shipping status via the site provided by respective courier.

Poslaju tracking :
GD Express tracking :

Note: Sometimes the tracking number is not working yet because your order has just been shipped. Try to check again in 24 hours and the information should be available.

What if I haven't received my order?
Something might have gone wrong if you still haven't received your order within 8 business days after you've placed your order and made payment.
The first thing you can do is check your order status. Contact us at if your order status is not shipped, otherwise check whether the shipping address is correct.

If nothing is wrong there, track your shipping status via the courier's site. Check with the respective courier company to see if they're holding your order and contact us if they're unable to find it.
Lost Damages
Seller shall not held responsible for lost or damage of the item during delivery by courier service. However, buyer has the right to claim from the courier company.
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